“Beneath Blue Water”
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Where Did Papa Go? was chosen for the Silver Award in the Children Category of the annual Mid-Atlantic Song Contest sponsored by the Songwriters’ Association of Washington.
Also, I’m so proud of grandson Aedan (who did the artwork) and brother Sam (who put the art to video), to my song, ” WHERE DID PAPA GO?” –We got a mention in the 40th annual Mid Atlantic Song Contest for best video. Truly, a team effort!  Check it out HERE

“One of North Carolina’s shining stars, an incredible singer songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, who writes topical songs, songs of love, songs for our times, all that cry out. I listened and I didn’t want to stop listening!”
Jon Stein, host of “Hootenanny Café” on WTBQ, 93.5FM

Singer, Songwriter, Multi-Instrumentalist, Innovative Guitarist, Storyteller, Teacher

Bett Padgett teacher, storyteller, songwriter, multi- instrumentalist, innovative guitarist“I have always thought of myself as a ‘glass is half full’ kind of person. The songs I write are about the world I see with an optimistic aspect. Through music I hope to educate, touch hearts, and  help people see issues from a different perspective. Perhaps they will feel compelled to get involved to make changes in today’s world and make it a better place.”

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“If you can walk you can dance,and if you can talk you can sing. -Zimbabwe
Copyright ©2024 Bett Padgett

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